Neuropsychology helps to identify changes in memory and cognition. Robin J. Heinrichs, Ph.D., ABPP, at Neuropsychology Services of Kansas, is a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist who can identify the nature and degree of cognitive impairment and determine what is causing the change. Dr. Heinrichs works with families as they navigate changes in functioning with the goal of helping individuals to be as independent as possible while making sure they and others around them are safe.
Cognitive impairment can be identified as part of many medical conditions including the following:
Have you noticed a change in your memory or other cognitive functioning?
Neuropsychology Services of Kansas has an easy process to walk our patients through assessments:
Interview – Patient and family members meet with Dr. Heinrichs and background information is gathered.
- Interactive appointment with a staff member during which the patient completes a variety of tasks that help us assess their cognitive abilities.
- Patient and family meet with Dr. Heinrichs and discuss results. Recommendations are made and a written report is sent to the referring provider and whomever the patient requests.
Patient and family members meet with Dr. Heinrichs and background information is gathered.
Interactive appointment with a staff member during which the patient completes a variety of tasks that help us assess their cognitive abilities.
Patient and family members meet with Dr. Heinrichs and background information is gathered.